Z Empress Headdress

My thoughts on creating Z stem from the Empress who ruled China with beauty and fury.
My thoughts on creating Z stem from the Empress who ruled China with beauty and fury.
My thoughts on creating Star Gazer the excitement of the unknown, whether it is us looking up into space or within ourselves.
My thoughts on the creation of Dominion stem from the meaning of the word itself, to harness strength as well as our current wordly situation. I hope looking at this sculpture inspires people to take their lives by the rings and to have dominion over their life and embrace the light.
My thoughts on the creation of Raging Bull was to capture the fierce intensity that comes with pursuing your passions. I feel once someone has gone through this, they understand “once I was blind but now I see” the new understanding that provides meaning to me.
My thoughts on the creation of Ghost stem from the fading memory of the great Native American Indians with their beautiful ceremony headdresses